About Lyrics' (Pronunciation)

Important to read!!

If you noticed the lyrics I posted (romaji version), some of the words sound different~!!
This is because I take it out directly from the Japanese Kanji to Romaji version (it is possible if the romaji version is directly typed out into kanji version)
Note again that the Romanji version is not the 'singing/saying' pronunciation...

Here is some example.....

p/s: the original words (reference)
 dzu (tsu+zu )
 start (english)

But, I will correct some lyrics to pronunciation ver. according to the situation.... ><;
All lyrics refers to the original (Kanji ver.), if get confused or the lyrics have some mistake, kindly post a message/comment to let me know~ I will correct it ASAP..... TQ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Japanese is really easy to pronounce if you started watching anime and listing to the Ops or music for a LOOOONG time. Since 7 years of age